Follow the adventures of one fearless little explorer as she discovers the wonders Australia has to offer.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

El Questro Gorge, WA

On the road again...

From Halls Creek we drove a full day to Kununurra and after a few days rest headed down the Gibb River Road again to El Questro Wilderness Park. Along the road we experienced...

This is the Ord River (just out of Kunurrura) which you drive across heading west. This is the largest man- made lake/dam, caused by the intended flooding of the Ord River to allow for a permanent water supply for the agricultural industry. Lake Argyle is the massive water storage reservoir, which holds nine times the water capacity as Sydney Harbour and is the largest in Australia.

This time of year little spotfire are everywhere, and there is no-one supervising, they just burn themselves out.

We found out later that these YELLOW KAPOK are considered calendar plants as their arrival and life cycle indicates the time of year for local indigenous people. Their flowers indicate that freshwater crocodiles are laying eggs (which can then be collected).

Another magnificent boab

Welcome to the wild, wild west!

The road is under there somewhere- it must be the shallower sections.

Yet another creek crossing, although the best was yet to come. More photos further in this post.

And those who prefer can fly in, landing conveniently near the camping area and station township. 

Willy wagtail Campsite

So when we found our campsite- a PRIVATE CAMPSITE (costing $50 a night, and combined with the Park fees took our 2 night stay to $140!)- which was chosen after much negotiation... alledgedly a saltwater croc had been sighted further down the river, but our campsite was okay because the bank was too high to be navigated by any crocodile. It was a beautiful site and we were most happy with it, being able to have a campfire (and marshmellows) was fantastic, and the stars simply stunning.

Keeping well occupied while the adults set up camp.

What a place to wake up in!

Branco's Lookout

After setting up camp we were feeling adventurous so decided to check out a few of the 4WD tracks. Tara was especially keen on one up to a lookout- Branco's. This is what the road looked like, and I'll leave it up to you to determine why we turned around.

Yes- why not?- let's give it a go!

Half way point- there are crocodiles in there.

Good old Snowy! Even though at one point Tara held the stick in position for traction control!

The return journey, I walked!

One happy driver at the end of a hair raising few minutes.

And so goes down the next adventurous nutter! His wife got out of the car shortly after this shot was taken.
We suggest a tour for those interested- the boulders can take it out on someone else's vehicle.

El Questro Gorge

After a tough walk in over rocks, creekbed, around palms I am disappointed to report that we didn't make it into the gorge itself, turning around beforehand due to rough conditions. The walk was too hard with a four year old, although she was keen enough. It actually was easier to carry her, as the rocks were often slippery and unstable and the river crossings rustic at best. But here are our experiences...

 Towering Livistonia Palms

 Plenty of help required.

Amelia did a tremendous job!

 Happy to have a rest.

Here is what the gorge looks like... 

The various textures of the natural environment fascinated the photographer in me and this is the result. (By this time I'd realised we weren't going to get to the gorge, so I might as well focus on something else.)


Random images from around our camp of the Spiral Pandanus and boabs.



Some more river crossings- this time the Pentacost ... it seemed to go on forever, and the water was between 50- 90 centimetres deep in some places making Chris very glad we'd had a snorkle fitted. We got slightly wet feet, there was a noisy woosh when all the air under the car was forced upwards and the floor under the backseat (under our watertank) was wet and required a wash out days later- so it wouldn't smell.

High 4WD clearance vehicles and walking pace recommended.

 Quite a bow wave...

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